WEBVIEWER*S e t u p > C a m e r a > I m a g e S e t t i n g sA d j u s t t h e M E G A p i x ® 1 0 8 0 p ™ c a m e r a ’ s E x p o s u r e , D a y & N i g h t , C o l o rs e t t i n g s .1. IRIS Mode– Sets the camera’s Iris mode. Select from ESC, HOLD or DC.a. DC (Auto Iris): If the lighting conditions are very bright the lens will close the iris to reduce theamount of light that is passing to the imaging sensor.b. ESC (Electronics Shutter Control): The shutter speed is controlled automatically according to thebrightness of the scene.c. HOLD: Stop the Iris related functions.1. Shutter– Set the camera’s shutter speed. By default, the shutter speed is set to Auto. You can alsomanually select from 1/25 ~ 1/10000.2. Flicker– In case the camera’s image appears flickering, you can adjust the Hz levels between 50Hzand 60Hz. By default, this function is Off.3. Bright – Adjust the camera’s brightness bycontrolling the shutter exposure value. Setthe bright value from 0~255. The higherthe number, the brighter the image willappear. Default value is 150.4. Back Light Compensation (BLC)– Adjust thecamera’s capture of light when there isstrong backlight in the camera’s Field ofView [FoV]. Select to enable or disable.5. AGC– Auto Gain Control. The higher theAGC levels are, the camera’s view willappear brighter. However, the higher theAGC levels are, the more digital noise willbe visible.2 6