Dacor MCS130B Use And Care Manual
88Convection Fan FilterWARNING:Remove the filter only when it is cool.The convection fan filter is made of stainlesssteel. Remove the filter regularly for cleaning,as a clogged filter will reduce the effectivenessof convection cooking modes. Soak the filterin hot soapy water. Dry the filter completelybefore re-installing. Remove the filter duringSelf-Cleaning. If the filter is left in the ovenduring Self-Cleaning it will permanently discolor.Re-install the filter before cooking in theoven again. Failure to do so will expose theconvection fan blade that rotates at highspeed during convection modes.Step 1: Orient the filter so that the twomounting tabs are towards the rear, openend down.Removing and Installing the Convection Fan FilterStep 1Step 2: Hook the two mounting tabs over thecenter horizontal bar.Removing and Installing the Convection Fan FilterStep 2Self-CleaningThe electric door latch is a convenient safetyfeature. The door latch is automatically activatedafter selecting the Self-Clean mode. The latchensures that the oven door cannot be openedwhile the interior oven temperatures are unsafeto the user.The oven features an automatic pyrolyticSelf-Cleaning cycle to eliminate the need fordifficult and time-consuming manual scrubbingof interior surfaces. During this cycle, the ovenreaches temperatures of 850˚F to burn off soiland deposits. A powder ash residue is left in thebottom of the oven after completion of the Self-Clean cycle.The Self-Clean time is variable from 2 to 4hours to offer flexibility in handling various soilconditions. A 2-hour cycle normally handles amoderately soiled oven, whereas a 4-hour cycleis recommended for a heavily soiled condition.The Self-Clean cycle can also be delayed tostart at a later time if desired.IMPORTANT:1. It is normal for some smoke to beemitted during the first few Self-Cleancycles.2. Popping sounds are normal during Self-Clean cycles. These sounds are causedby the expansion and contraction ofmetal surfaces during heat-up and cool-down.3. Do not line the oven with aluminumfoil or other materials. These items canmelt or burn during a Self-Clean cycle,causing permanent damage to the oven.WARNINGS:1. DO NOT OPERATE THE OVEN LIGHTSIN THE SELF-CLEAN MODE.2. Do not touch the outside surfaces of theoven during the Self-Clean cycle3. Do not use commercial oven cleanersinside the oven. Use of these cleanerscan produce hazardous fumes or canpermanently damage the porcelainfinishes.Brass, Chrome & Copper SurfacesClean these surfaces with a solution of milddetergent and warm water. Rinse, dry and polishwith a soft, lint-free cloth.If a commercially available polish is used,it is important to read the label for chlorinecompounds. Chlorine is a corrosive substanceand is not recommended for use with brass,copper or chrome finishes. If these compoundsare present, rinse surface thoroughly and drywith a soft, lint-free cloth.Follow manufacturer’s instructions forapplication of polish.Broiler Pan and GrillThe oven broiler pan and grill is finished inporcelain enamel. Clean both components in asolution of detergent and hot water. For heavysoil conditions, use a scouring pad such assteel wool with plenty of water. Rinse well aftercleaningOven RacksOven racks are chrome-plated. For everydaycleaning, apply a solution of detergent and hotwater. To clean heavy soil, use a scouring padsuch as steel wool with plenty of water, or use asolution of 1 cup ammonia to 2 gallons of water.Remove racks during Self-Cleaning. If racksare left in the oven during self-cleaning, they willpermanently discolor.Prepare the oven for Self-Cleaning byfollowing these steps:1. Clean soil from the oven front frame areaand the oven door outside of the doorgasket. Do not clean the door gasket.Cleaning the door gasket by hand cancause it to bend or move. A tight doorseal is essential for proper baking andSelf-Cleaning. Rinse surfaces well with asolution of vinegar and water, then wipedry. Heavily soiled areas may be cleanedwith a non-scratching scouring pad.Door Handle & Control HousingClean the door handle and control panelhousing with a solution of mild detergent andhot water. Rinse and dry with a soft cloth.DO NOT USE ABRASIVE CLEANERS ORSCRUBBERS. THEY WILL PERMANENTLYDAMAGE THE FINISH.Clean all glass surfaces with a solution of milddetergent and hot water. Use a mild glasscleaner to remove fingerprints or smears. Drycompletely with a soft, lint-free cloth.Door GlassStainless Steel SurfacesOn stainless steel ovens, the control panel,door(s) and exhaust grill are covered withstainless steel panels. Clean these surfaces witha solution of mild detergent and warm water.Rinse and dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.If commercially available stainless steelcleaners are used, it is important to read thelabels for chlorine compounds. Chlorine is acorrosive substance. If these compounds arepresent, rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft,lint-free cloth.Always wipe stainless steel surfaces with thegrain.Porcelain SurfacesThe oven interior and inner door liners arefinished in porcelain enamel. Clean thesesurfaces with a solution of mild detergent andhot water. Rinse and dry with a soft cloth.Do not use abrasives or commercial ovencleaners. Always remove excess grease andsoil from the oven interior and door prior tousing the Self-Cleaning cycle.To re-activate the control panel, again pushand hold the “CANCEL•SECURE” pad for threeseconds. “OFF” will disappear from the display.Clean the control panel with a solution of milddetergent and warm water. DO NOT USEABRASIVE CLEANERS OR SCRUBBERS.THEY WILL PERMANENTLY DAMAGE THEFINISH. Dry the control panel completely with asoft, lint-free cloth. |
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