1.Select a channel you want to erase.•Select a channel you want to erase by pressingeither number buttons or “CHANNELx/y” buttons.Ex) Ch 2Air 2Mono151.Select a channel you want to memorize.•Select a channel by pressing number buttons.Ex) Ch 132.Press “ADD/ERASE” button.•Whenever this button is pressed, the color ofchannel sign changes from green to red, and viceversa. Capture the Channel sign on green color.•When a channel gets memorized, its color turnsgreen. When erased, it turns red.•In an auxiliary window, memorized channels will appear white; erased channelsappear red.•In an auxiliary window, the “ADD/ERASE” function does not work.•Press “CHANNELx/y” button to check the memorized channel, and channel 13gets selected.2.Press “ADD/ERASE” button•Whenever this button is pressed, the color ofchannel sign changes from green to red, and viceversa. Capture the channel sign on red color.•Press “CHANNELx/y” buttons to check thememory status, but channel 2 does not getselected.LWhen it is hard to put a channel in amemory due to a weak broadcastsignal, an additional memory of thechannel is possible through thisfunction.LThis is a function to erase amemorized channel that is notnecessary.Additional Channel Memory Function :“ADD/ERASE”Erasing Memorized Channels : “ADD/ERASE”Air 13MonoAir 13AddAir 2Erase