62In X 3 4 6 H 3 4 6 H 3 4 6 H Figure 4-39, input mode value in the No. blank, and click pattern button.4.9.7 Auto Scan SetupIn X 3 4 7 H 3 4 7 H 3 4 7 H Figure 4-38, click border button. The interface is shown as in X 3 4 8 H 3 4 8 H 3 4 8 H Figure 4-43.Please go to X 3 4 9 H 3 4 9 H 3 4 9 H Figure 4-35, use direction arrows to select camera left limitThen please go to X 3 5 0 H 3 5 0 H 3 5 0 H Figure 4-43X and click left limit buttonRepeat the above procedures to set right limit.Figure 4-434.9.8 Activate Auto ScanIn X 3 5 1 H 3 5 1 H 3 5 1 H Figure 4-39, click “Auto Scan” button, the system begins auto scan. Correspondingly, the autoscan button becomes Stop button. Click stop button to terminate scan operation.4.10 FlipIn X 3 5 2 H 3 5 2 H 3 5 2 H Figure 4-39, click page switch button, you can see an interface is shown as below. See Figure44 X 3 5 3 H 3 5 3 H 3 5 3 H . Here you can set auxiliary function. The aux value has relation ship with the Aux button ofthe decoder.Click page switch button again, system goes back to X 3 5 4 H 3 5 4 H 3 5 4 H Figure 4-32X .Figure 4-44