8 ConfigurationInstaller reference guide45ERLQ004~008CA + EHVZ04+08S18CBDaikin Altherma – Low temperature split4P401676-1D – 2018.07# Code Description[A.2.2.B] [C-08] External sensorWhen an optional external ambientsensor is connected, the type of thesensor must be set. See "5 Applicationguidelines" on page 11.▪ 0 (No)(default): NOT installed. Thethermistor in the user interface and inthe outdoor unit are used formeasurement.▪ 1 (Outdoor sensor): Installed. Theexternal outdoor sensor will be used tomeasure the outdoor ambienttemperature. Remark: For somefunctionality, the temperature sensorin the outdoor unit is still used.▪ 2 (Room sensor): Installed. Thetemperature sensor in the userinterface is NOT used anymore.Remark: This value has only meaningin room thermostat control.Digital I/O PCBModification of these settings is only needed when the optionaldigital I/O PCB is installed. The digital I/O PCB has multiplefunctionality which need to be configured. See "5 Applicationguidelines" on page 11.# Code Description[A.] [C-02] Not applicable.[A.] [D-07] Not applicable (read only).[A.] [C-09] Alarm outputIndicates the logic of the alarm output onthe digital I/O PCB duringmalfunctioning.▪ 0 (Normally open): The alarm outputwill be powered when an alarmoccurs. By setting this value, adistinction is made between thedetection of an alarm, and thedetection of a power failure.▪ 1 (Normally closed): The alarm outputwill NOT be powered when an alarmoccurs.See also table below (Alarm outputlogic).[A.] [F-04] Bottom plate heaterOnly applicable for EHVZ16. Indicates ifan optional bottom plate heater isinstalled on the outdoor unit. The powerof the bottom plate heater is in this casesupplied by the indoor unit.▪ 0 (No)(default): NOT installed.▪ 1 (Yes): Installed. Remark: If thisvalue is set, the output on the digital I/O PCB cannot be used for spaceheating output. See "5 Applicationguidelines" on page 11.Alarm output logic[C-09] Alarm No alarm No powersupply to unit0 (default) Closed output Open output Open output1 Open output Closed outputDemand PCBThe demand PCB is used to enable the power consumption controlby digital inputs. See "5 Application guidelines" on page 11.# Code Description[A.2.2.7] [D-04] Demand PCBOnly applicable for EHVZ04+08.Indicates if the optional demand PCB isinstalled.▪ 0 (No)(default)▪ 1 (Pwr consmp ctrl)Energy meteringWhen energy metering is performed by the use of external powermeters, configure the settings as described below. Select the pulsefrequency output of each power meter in accordance with the powermeter specifications. It is possible to connect (up to 2) power meterswith different pulse frequencies. When only 1 or no power meter isused, select No to indicate the corresponding pulse input is NOTused.# Code Description[A.2.2.8] [D‑08] Optional external kWh meter 1:▪ 0 (No): NOT installed▪ 1: Installed (0.1 pulse/kWh)▪ 2: Installed (1 pulse/kWh)▪ 3: Installed (10 pulse/kWh)▪ 4: Installed (100 pulse/kWh)▪ 5: Installed (1000 pulse/kWh)[A.2.2.9] [D‑09] Optional external kWh meter 2:▪ 0 (No): NOT installed▪ 1: Installed (0.1 pulse/kWh)▪ 2: Installed (1 pulse/kWh)▪ 3: Installed (10 pulse/kWh)▪ 4: Installed (100 pulse/kWh)▪ 5: Installed (1000 pulse/kWh)8.2.4 Quick wizard: Capacities (energymetering)The capacities of all electrical heaters must be set for the energymetering and/or power consumption control feature to work properly.When measuring the resistance value of each heater, you can setthe exact heater capacity and this will lead to more accurate energydata.# Code Description[A.2.3.2] [6-03] BUH: step 1: The capacity of the firststep of the backup heater at nominalvoltage. Nominal value 3 kW. Default:3 kW.Range: 0~10 kW (in steps of 0.2 kW)[A.2.3.6] [6-07] Bottom plate heater: Only applies to anoptional bottom plate heater(EKBPHTH16A). The capacity of theoptional bottom plate heater at nominalvoltage. Default: 0 W.Range: 0~200 W (in steps of 10 W)