12 EnglishProduct2) Attach the insulation tube.(accessory(3))(3)-1 Liquid pipe(3)-2 Gas pipes1) Attach theinsulation material.(Field supply)3) Use the clamps(accessory(2)) tohold both ends.Insulation tube installation instructions(indoor unit side) (gas and liquid pipes)Adhere.Product2) Attach the insulation tube.(accessory(3))(3)-1 Liquid pipe(3)-2 Gas pipes3) Use the clamps(accessory(2)) to hold bothends.Insulation tube installation instructions for unused branch ports(indoor unit side) (gas and liquid pipes)Adhere.Stopper pipes (accessory(7))(7)-1 Liquid pipe(7)-2 Gas pipes1) Attach theinsulation tubefor stopper pipes.(accessory(8))(8)-1 Liquid pipe(8)-2 Gas pipesCAUTION• Wrap insulation material with the seam facing up. (Refer to Fig. 3)7. DRAIN PIPING WORK(1) Drain piping workInstall drain piping so that wastewater drains reliably.• Use a pipe diameter that is the same as or greater than the connection pipe (PVC pipe, nominal diam-eter of 20 mm, outside diameter of 26 mm).• Use a short length of pipe and route it at a downward slope of 1/100 or greater such that air does notcollect in the pipe. (Refer to Fig. 4 and 5.)• If unable to provide an adequate slope for the drain, use the drain up kit (sold separately).If water accumulates in the drain pipe, it may cause the drain to become clogged.1 - 1.5mDownward slope of1/100 or greater Support bracketNo riseNo accumulationWatersurfaceEnd notunderwaterWrongFig. 4 Example of problems withdrain piping workFig. 5SeamSeam facing upFig. 3