16NATURAL(Dia)PROPANE (LP)(Dia)45,000 2 23,000 #43 #55115,000 5 23,000 #43 #55140,000 6 23,000 #43 #5590,000 4 23,000 #43 #55GAS ORIFICESMAXIMUMINPUT(BTUH)NUMBERofBURNERSMAXIMUMBTUH/BURNERHeat Exchanger and Burner Orifice SpecificationsNOTE: Gas appliances located more than 2000 feet above sea levelmust be derated 4% per 1000 feet of total elevation and thatvariance in gas heating value and specific gravity require changein manifold pressure to obtain rating, it is mandatory that the inputbe adjusted at the installation site. All installations should be madeas outlined in the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code ANSIZ223.1,section “Procedures To Be Followed To Place An Appliancein Operation”. Refer also to the “User’s Information Manual”supplied with the unit for additional information on the gas furnace.Gas Supply And Manifold CheckGas supply pressure and manifold pressure with the burners oper-ating must be as specified on the rating plate.Gas Inlet Pressure CheckGas inlet pressure must be checked and adjusted in accordance tothe type of fuel being consumed.With Power And Gas Off:1. Connect a water manometer or adequate gauge to theinlet pressure tap of the gas valve.Inlet gas pressure can also be measured by removing thecap from the dripleg and installing a predrilled cap with ahose fitting.With Power And Gas On:2. Put unit into heating cycle and turn on all other gasconsuming appliances.NATURAL Min. 5.0" W.C., Max. 10.0" W.C.PROPANE Min. 11.0" W.C., Max. 14.0" W.C.INLET GAS PRESSURENOTE: Inlet Gas Pressure Must Not Exceed the Maximum ValueShown.If operating pressures differ from above, make necessary pressureregulator adjustments, check piping size, etc., and/or consult withlocal utility.Manifold Pressure CheckThe gas valve has a tapped opening to facilitate measurement ofthe manifold pressure. A “U” Tube manometer having a scale rangefrom 0 to 12 inches of water should be used for this measure-ment. The manifold pressure must be measured with the burnersoperating.1. With disconnect switch open, remove field connectedthermostat wire from terminal R, W1 and W2 on TB1.Place jumper wire between R, W1 and W2 to engage highstage heat. (note on 045 kbtu/hr units W2 is not used,only jumper R to W1).2. See Figure in input rating section for gas valve adjustment.To adjust the pressure regulator, remove the adjustment screw orcover on the gas valve. Turn out (counterclockwise) to decreasepressure, turn in (clockwise) to increase pressure. Only small varia-tions in gas flow should be made by means of the pressure regula-tor adjustment. In no case should the final manifold pressure varymore than plus or minus 0.3 inches water column from the speci-fied nominal pressure. Any major changes in flow should be madeby changing the size of the burner orifices. The measured inputrate to the furnace must not exceed the rating specified on theunit rating plate.For natural gas, the high stage manifold pressure must be between3.2 and 3.8 inches water column (3.5 nominal). Low stage mani-fold pressure must be between 1.7 to 2.3 inches water column(2.0 nominal).3. To set low fire rate on 090, 115 and 140 kbtu/hr: Opendisconnect switch, and remove jumper from R to W2. Toset low fire manifold pressure, repeat steps above. Referto Figure in input rating section for location of high andlow stage adjustment.For propane gas, the manifold pressure must be between 9.7 and10.3 inches water column (10.0 nominal). Low stage manifold mustbe between 5.7 and 6.3 inches water column (6.0 nominal).Gas Input (Natural Gas Only) CheckIt is the responsibility of the contractor to adjust the gas input tothe unit.To measure the gas input use a gas meter and proceed asfollows:1. Turn off gas supply to all other appliances except the unit.2. With the unit operating, time the smallest dial on themeter for one complete revolution. If this is a 2 cubic footdial, divide the seconds by 2; if it is a 1 cubic foot dial, usethe seconds as is. This gives the seconds per cubic foot ofgas being delivered to the unit.3. INPUT=GAS HTG VALUE x 3600 / SEC. PER CUBIC FOOTExample: Natural gas with a heating value of 1000 BTU per cubicfoot and 34 seconds per cubic foot as determined by Step 2, then:Input = 1000 x 3600 / 34 = 106,000 BTU per Hour. NOTE:BTU content of the gas should be obtained from the gassupplier. This measured input must not be greater thanshown on the unit rating plate.