3110• Altherma • Monobloc 17• Monobloc • EDLQ011-016AA6V310 Operation range4TW58013-1AEDLQ011-016AA6V3Outdoor temp. (°CDB)Cooling modeHeating modeSanitary modeOutdoor temp. (°CDB)Outdoor temp. (°CDB)Leaving evaporatorWater temperature (°C)No heat pump operation, back up heater only(*) E(D/B)L* units include special equipment (insulation, heatersheet, . . . ) to ensure good operation in areas where lowambient temperature can occur together with highhumidity conditions. In such conditions the E(D/B)H*models may experience problems with severe ice build-upon the aircooled coil. In case such conditions are expected,the E(D/B)L* must be installed instead.Both E(D/B)L* and E(D/B)H* models have a freezeprevention function using the pump and back up heater tokeep the water system safe from freezing in all conditions.In case accidental or intentional power shutdown is likelyto happen we recommend to use glycol.(**) only E(D/B)L*Leaving condenser water temperatureWater temperature sanitary tank (C°)Booster heater operation only(**) only E(D/B)L*only EB(H/L)*