Installation manual23 EKHBRD011~016AAV1+Y1Indoor unit for air to water heat pump system4PW54465-1A■ [b-02] Status: defines whether the weather dependent domesticwater heating is turned ON (1) or OFF (0).If enabled, the storage set point will be set weather dependent.In case of a higher ambient temperature (e.g. during summer-time), the cold supply water to the mixing tap (e.g. shower, bath)will also have a higher temperature. This makes that thetemperature of the hot water from the domestic hot water tankmay be lower to reach the same water mixing temperature fromthe shower or bath mixing tap. In this way, with a lower domestichot water tank temperature setting the comfort level can be keptthe same but with a lower energy consumption.■ [b-03] Set point: storage temperature (see figure above)[C] Leaving water temperature limitsTo prevent misuse concerning leaving water temperatures, it ispossible to limit the set points.■ [C-00] Set point: leaving water maximum temperature■ [C-01] Set point: leaving water minimum temperature[d] Domestic water heating retention timesThe heat pump can only work in either space heating operation ordomestic water heating operation. No simultaneous operation ispossible, except when using multiple set point control (see chapter"Multiple set point control" on page 26 for more information).■ [d-00] Set point: minimum operation time for domestic waterheating■ [d-01] Set point: maximum operation time for domestic waterheating■ [d-02] Set point: interval minimum stop time of domestic waterheatingChanging the timer values can have an impact on space heating anddomestic water heating heat up timers. The default values areproposed but can be changed depending on the complete systeminstallation.For a detailed explanation about simultaneous request of spaceheating and domestic water heating, see chapter "Simultaneousdemand of space heating and domestic water heating" on page 23.[E] Service mode■ [E-00] Vacuum modeWhen recovering/vacuuming of the indoor unit is needed, fieldsetting [E-00] can be activated. It will force the unit into thermoOFF and will open the expansion valve of the indoor unit R134acircuit so full vacuuming is possible.By default [E-00] = 0, set to 1 to enable the vacuum mode.■ [E-04] Pump only operationWhen commissioning and installing the unit it is very importantto get all air out of the water circuit.Through this field setting the pump can be operated withoutactual operation of the unit. By doing so this will enhance the airremoval from the circuit. The pump can operate at differentspeed:■ [E-04] = 0 normal operation of the unit (default)■ [E-04] = 1 low pump speed operation■ [E-04] = 2 high pump speed operationSee chapter "Final check" on page 30 for more information.Simultaneous demand of space heating and domesticwater heatingRemote controller leaving water temperature controlWhen the reheat temperature is reached, the further heat up tillstorage temperature of the domestic hot water tank will be decidedby the running timers which are programmed by the installer.1 Reheat operationWhen requesting space heating and domestic water heating(reheat) at the same time, the domestic water will be heated tillmaximum reheat temperature, then space heating will startagain.A Ambient temperatureT Domestic hot water storage temperatureNOTE The temperatures for weather dependent domesticwater heating (see figure) are fixed and can not bechanged.NOTE If weather dependent domestic water heating isenabled [b-02], the storage temperature will be setautomatically and the field setting [b-03] will be of noimportance.TA70°C55°C15°C 25°CNOTE Do not forget to restore the field setting [E-00] tothe default value when vacuuming is finished!NOTE Do not forget to restore the field setting [E-04] to thedefault value when commissioning is finished!A OperationSpace heatingDomestic water heatingB Domestic hot water reheat thermo-on requestC Domestic hot water tank temperatureD Leaving water thermo-on requestF Domestic hot water lower limit temperatureG Domestic hot water upper limit temperature(maximum possible storage temperature) [b-03]H Domestic hot water reheat minimum temperature [b-00]J Domestic hot water reheat maximum temperature [b-01]ON ONOFF OFFABCHJ75°C35°CONGFOFFD ONOFF