RXS15/18/24DVJU, RX15/18/24FVJU SiUS04-904Removal Procedure 2494.6 Removal of Four-Way ValveWarning Be sure to wait 10 minutes or more after turning off all power suppliesbefore disassembly work.Step Procedure Points1 Remove the screw of thefour-way valve coil. Provide a protective sheet ora steel plate so that thebrazing flame cannotinfluence peripheries. Be careful not to break thepipes by pressing themexcessively with pliers whenwithdrawing them.CautionBe careful handling the four-way valve, pipes and otherparts heated by the gas brazingmachine so that you do notburn your hands.Cautions for restoration1. Restore the piping by non-oxidation brazing. Braze itquickly when no nitrogen gascan be used.2. It is required to prevent thecarbonization of the oil insidethe four-way valve and thedeterioration of the gasketsaffected by heat. Wrap thefour-way valve with a wetcloth and add water asneeded so that the cloth doesnot dry out from excessiveheating. (Keep below 248°F(120°C).In case of the difficulty withgas brazing machine1. Disconnect the brazed partwhere is easy to disconnectand restore.2. Cut pipes on the main unit bya miniature copper tube cutterin order to make it easy todisconnect.Note: Do not use a metalsaw for cutting pipes becausesawdust can enter the circuit.2 Heat up the brazed part ofthe four-way valve anddisconnect. Be sure to applynitrogen replacementwhen heating up thebrazed part.3 Heat up every brazed partin turn and thendisconnect.