31EnglishPlease check again before calling a repair person.Check again.Case CheckThe air conditioner does notoperate.(OPERATION lamp is off.)• Hasn’t a breaker turned OFF or a fuse blown?• Isn’t it a power failure?• Are batteries set in the remote controller?• Is the timer setting correct?Cooling (Heating) effect is poor. • Are the air filters clean?• Is there anything to block the air inlet or the outlet of theindoor and the outdoor units?• Is the temperature setting appropriate?• Are the windows and doors closed?• Are the airflow rate and the air direction set appropriately?Operation stops suddenly.(OPERATION lamp flashes.)• Are the air filters clean?• Is there anything to block the air inlet or the outlet of theindoor and the outdoor units?Clean the air filters or take all obstacles away and turn thebreaker OFF. Then turn it ON again and try operating the airconditioner with the remote controller. If the lamp still flashes,call the service shop where you bought the air conditioner.An abnormal functioninghappens during operation.• The air conditioner may malfunction with lightning or radiowaves. Turn the breaker OFF, turn it ON again and tryoperating the air conditioner with the remote controller.Heating cannot be selected,even though the unit is heatpump model.• Slide the DIP switch to the left as shown in the illustration sothat the heating mode can be selected with the modeselector button.Heating sideDipswitches