323P362438-3H E nglishPerform the test procedure as described in 15.4.2. Test operation onpage 39.INFORMATION• When a malfunction is detected during the procedure (e.g., in caseof closed stop valve), a malfunction code will be displayed. In thatcase, refer to 15.5. Malfunction code list on page 40 and solvethe malfunction accordingly. Resetting the malfunction can be doneby pushing BS3. The procedure can be restarted from 6b).• Aborting the manual refrigerant charge is possible by pushing BS3.The unit will stop and return to idle condition.Information which may occur during additional refrigerant chargingprocedures:P8: Indoor unit freeze up preventionAction: Close valve A immediately. Reset malfunction by pushingBS1. Retry auto charge procedure.P2: Abnormal low pressure dropAction: Close valve A immediately. Reset malfunction by pushingBS1. Check following items before retry auto charge procedure:- Check if the gas pipe stop valve is opened correctly.- Check if the valve of the refrigerant cylinder is opened.- Check if the air inlet and outlet of the indoor units are not ob-structed.E-2: Indoor temperature is out of range.E-3: Outdoor temperature is out of range.E-5: An indoor unit which is not compatible with automatic refrigerantcharge functionality is installed (e.g., Mini-split indoor unit, etc.)Other malfunction code: close valve A immediately. Confirm the mal-function code and take corresponding action, 15.5. Malfunction codelist on page 40.14 3 3 Final charge adjustmentIt is not necessary to do this final adjustment normally, but perform thefollowing operation only when if the most adequate refrigerant for thebest performance is required.The outdoor temperature must be between 60°F (16°C) and 97°F(36 °C).Purge gauge lines. Connect service gauge manifold to the serviceport between the compressor and the reversing valve in each outdoorunit. Run the system for 30 minutes in cooling by the forced operationusing the field setting mode [2-6] (value 0: OFF, 1:ON) (Refer to 15.2.Monitoring function and field settings.) to allow pressures to stabilize,then check subcooling as detailed in the following sections.Subcooling = Sat. Liquid Temp. – Liquid Line Temp.1 Temporarily install a thermometer on the liquid line between thecoil and the EV in each outdoor unit. Ensure the thermometermakes adequate contact and is insulated for best possible read-ings. Use liquid line temperature to determine sub cooling.2 Check subcooling for each outdoor unit and calculate the averagesubcooling of the outdoor unit. Systems should have a subcoolingof 11±3°F (6±2°C).a. If average subcooling is low, add charge to raise subcooling to11±3°F (6±2°C) (The maximum additional charge is 4.4 lbs.(2kg))b. If average subcooling is high, remove charge to lower the sub-cooling to 11±3°F (6±2°C)14 3 4 Checks after adding refrigerant• Are all stop valves open?• Is the amount of refrigerant, that has been added, recorded on therefrigerant charge label?NOTEMake sure to open all stop valves after (pre-) charging the refrigerant.Operating with the stop valves closed will damage the compressor.15 Start-up and configurationINFORMATIONIt is important that all information in this chapter is read sequentially bythe installer and that the system is configured as applicable.DANGER: ElECTRICAl SHOCkSee Safety considerations on page i.15 1 Checks before initial start upAfter the installation of the unit, first check the following items. Once allbelow checks are fulfilled, the unit must be closed, only then can theunit be powered up.1 InstallationCheck that the unit is properly installed, to avoid abnormal noisesand vibrations when starting up the unit.2 Field wiringBe sure that the field wiring has been carried out according to theinstructions described in 9. Field wiring on page 18, according tothe wiring diagrams and according to the applicable legislation.3 Power supply voltageCheck the power supply voltage on the local supply panel. Thevoltage must correspond to the voltage on the identification labelof the unit.4 Ground wiringBe sure that the ground wires have been connected properly andthat the ground terminals are tightened.5 Insulation test of the main power circuitUsing a megatester for 500 V, check that the insulation resistanceof 1 MΩ or more is attained by applying a voltage of 500 V DCbetween power terminals and ground. Never use the megatesterfor the transmission wiring.6 Fuses, circuit breakers, or protection devicesCheck that the fuses, circuit breakers, or the locally installed pro-tection devices are of the size and type specified in 9. Field wiringon page 18. Be sure that neither a fuse nor a protection devicehas been bypassed.7 Internal wiringVisually check the control box and the inside of the unit on looseconnections or damaged electrical components.8 Pipe size and pipe insulationBe sure that correct pipe sizes are installed and that the insulationwork is properly executed.9 Stop valvesBe sure that all stop valves are open.10 Damaged equipmentCheck the inside of the unit on damaged components or squeezedpipes.