R(Y)P71~125L7V1+W1Split System air conditioners4PW14486-1BInstallation manual32 When installing the unit in a place exposed to strong wind, payspecial attention to the following.Strong winds of 5 m/sec or more blowing against the outdoorunit's air outlet causes short circuit (suction of discharge air),and this may have the following consequences:- Deterioration of the operational capacity.- Frequent frost acceleration in heating operation.- Disruption of operation due to rise of high pressure.- When a strong wind blows continuously on the face of theunit, the fan can start rotating very fast until it breaks.Refer to the figures for installation of this unit in a place wherethe wind direction can be foreseen.■ Turn the air outlet side toward the building's wall, fence orscreen.■ Set the outlet side at a right angle to the direction of the wind.3 Prepare a water drainage channel around the foundation, todrain waste water from around the unit.4 If the water drainage of the unit is not easy, please build up theunit on a foundation of concrete blocks, etc. (the height of thefoundation should be maximum 150 mm).5 If you install the unit on a frame, please install a waterproof platewithin 150 mm of the underside of the unit in order to prevent theinvasion of water from the lower direction.6 When installing the unit in a place frequently exposed to snow,pay special attention to the following:- Elevate the foundation as high as possible.- Remove the rear suction grille to prevent snow fromaccumulating on the rear fins.7 If you install the unit on a building frame, please install awaterproof plate (within 150 mm of the underside of the unit) inorder to avoid the drainwater dripping. (See figure).PRECAUTIONS ON INSTALLATION■ Check the strength and level of the installation ground so thatthe unit will not cause any operating vibration or noise afterinstallation.■ In accordance with the foundation drawing in the figure, fix theunit securely by means of the foundation bolts. (Prepare foursets of M12 foundation bolts, nuts and washers each which areavailable on the market.)■ It is best to screw in the foundation bolts until their length are20 mm from the foundation surface.Installation method for prevention of falling overIf it is necessary to prevent the unit from falling over, install as shownin the figure.■ prepare all 4 wires as indicated in the drawing■ unscrew the top plate at the 4 locations indicated A and B■ put the screws through the nooses and screw them back tightA location of the 2 fixation holes on the front side of the unitB location of the 2 fixation holes on the rear side of the unitC wires: field supplyDrain pipe disposalIf drain pipe disposal from the outdoor unit causes trouble, providethe drain piping by using of the drain socket (optional).Strong windBlown air Strong windMake sure there is enough room to do the installationA Discharge sideB Bottom view (mm)C Drain hole20140117219289350(345-355)47140620614423ABCCBAA