323P362438-1B E nglish2 Field wiringBe sure that the field wiring has been carried out according to theinstructions described in 9. Field wiring on page 18, according tothe wiring diagrams and according to the applicable legislation.3 Power supply voltageCheck the power supply voltage on the local supply panel. Thevoltage must correspond to the voltage on the identification labelof the unit.4 Ground wiringBe sure that the ground wires have been connected properly andthat the ground terminals are tightened.5 Insulation test of the main power circuitUsing a megatester for 500 V, check that the insulation resistanceof 1 MΩ or more is attained by applying a voltage of 500 V DCbetween power terminals and ground. Never use the megatesterfor the transmission wiring.6 Fuses, circuit breakers, or protection devicesCheck that the fuses, circuit breakers, or the locally installed pro-tection devices are of the size and type specified in 9. Field wiringon page 18. Be sure that neither a fuse nor a protection devicehas been bypassed.7 Internal wiringVisually check the control box and the inside of the unit on looseconnections or damaged electrical components.8 Pipe size and pipe insulationBe sure that correct pipe sizes are installed and that the insulationwork is properly executed.9 Stop valvesBe sure that the stop valves are open on both liquid and gas side.10 Damaged equipmentCheck the inside of the unit on damaged components or squeezedpipes.11 Refrigerant leakCheck the inside of the unit on refrigerant leakage. If there is arefrigerant leak, try to repair the leak. If the repair is unsuccess-ful, call your local dealer. Do not touch any refrigerant which hasleaked out from refrigerant piping connections. This may result infrostbite.12 Oil leakCheck the compressor for oil leakage. If there is an oil leak, tryto repair the leak. If the repairing is unsuccessful, call your localdealer.13 Air inlet/outletCheck that the air inlet and outlet of the unit is not obstructed bypaper sheets, cardboard, or any other material.14 Record the contents of field setting.Record them on the accessory REQUEST FOR THE INDICATIONlabel.And attach the label on the back side of the front panel.15 Record the installation date.Record the installation date on the accessory REQUEST FORTHE INDICATION label.And attach the label on the back side of the front panel.15 2 Monitoring function and field settingsThe operation of the outdoor unit can further be defined by changingsome field settings. Next to making field settings it is also possible toconfirm the current operation parameters of the unit.The setting can also be performed via the PC configuration software.Below relevant Monitoring mode (mode 1) and Field setting mode(mode 2) settings are explained in detail. How to access them, how tochange the value of the settings and how to confirm them is explainedin 13. Making field settings on page 23. In that chapter, an exampleis given on how to make a setting. It is advised to check this procedurebefore accessing, checking and changing below settings.Once the default situation of the segment indication is confirmed (see13. Making field settings on page 23), the mode 1 and mode 2 canbe accessed.Making settings is done via the master outdoor unit.15 2 1 Mode 1Mode 1 can be used to monitor the current situation of the outdoorunit. Some field setting contents can be monitored as well.Below the settings in mode 1 are explained.[1-0]= shows whether the unit you check is a master, sub 1 or sub 2unit• No indication=undefined situation• 0=outdoor unit is master unit• 1=outdoor unit is sub 1 unit• 2=outdoor unit is sub 2 unitMaster, sub 1 and sub 2 indications are relevant in multipleoutdoor unit system configurations. The allocation of whichoutdoor unit is master, sub 1 or sub 2 are decided by theunit’s logic.The master unit should be used to input field settings inmode 2[1-1]= shows the status of low noise operation.• 1=unit is currently operating under low noise restrictions• 0=unit is currently not operating under low noise restric-tionsLow noise operation reduces the sound generated by theunit compared to nominal operating conditions.Low noise operation can be set in mode 2. There are twomethods to activate low noise operation of the outdoor unitsystem.The first method is to enable an automatic low noise opera-tion during night time by field setting. The unit will operate atthe selected low noise level during the selected time frames.The second method is to enable low noise operation basedon an external input. For this operation an optional acces-sory is required.[1-2]= shows the status of power consumption limitation operation.• 1=unit is currently operating under power consumptionlimitation• 0=unit is currently not operating under power consump-tion limitationsPower consumption limitation reduces the power consump-tion of the unit compared to nominal operating conditions.Power consumption limitation can be set in mode 2. Thereare two methods to activate power consumption limitation ofthe outdoor unit system.The first method is to enable a forced power consumptionlimitation by field setting. The unit will always operate at theselected power consumption limitation.The second method is to enable power consumptionlimitation based on an external input. For this operation anoptional accessory is required.[1-5]= shows the current Te target parameter position.Refer to 15.3. Energy saving and optimum operation onpage 35 for more details about the contents of this value.