Operation manual11 HXHD125AV1B + HXHD200AY1BVRV IV system indoor unit4P513553-1 – 2017.115.6. Simultaneous demand of space heating anddomestic water heatingThe unit can not perform domestic water heating and space heatingat the same time. If both modes are requested at the same time, theunit will heat up till the reheat maximum temperature in 1 time. Duringthis period, space heating is not possible. If you are using the remote controller room temperature control:When the reheat temperature is reached, the further heat up ofthe domestic hot water tank will be decided by the remotecontroller room thermostat in order to prevent the roomtemperature to drop too much. If you are using the external room thermostat:When the reheat temperature is reached, the further heat up ofthe domestic hot water tank will be decided by the external roomthermostat thermo conditions and running timers which areprogrammed by your installer. If you are using the remote controller leaving water temperaturecontrol:When the reheat temperature is reached, the further heating upof the domestic hot water tank will be decided by the runningtimers which are programmed by your installer.5.7. Temperature read-out modeOn the remote controller, the actual temperatures can be displayed.1 Push and hold the button for 5 seconds.The heating/cooling leaving water temperature is displayed(icons and and are blinking).2 Use the and buttons to display: The entering water temperature (icons and areblinking and the icon is flashing slowly). The indoor temperature (icons and are blinking). The outdoor temperature (icons and are blinking). The hot water supply tank temperature (icons and areblinking).3 Push the button again to leave this mode. If no button ispressed, the remote controller leaves the display mode after 10seconds.5.8. Schedule timer operationIn schedule timer operation, the installation is controlled by theschedule timer. The actions programmed in the schedule timer will beexecuted automatically.The schedule timer is enabled ( icon displayed) or disabled ( iconnot displayed) by pressing the button.Space heatingRefer to "Programming space heating" on page 14.4 actions per day of the week can be programmed, totalling 28actions.The space heating schedule timer can be programmed in 2 differentways: based on the temperature set point (both leaving watertemperature and room temperature) and based on the ON/OFFinstruction.The desired method is set through field setting. Refer to "5.12. Fieldsettings" on page 18 for a detailed description how to set one or morefield settings. [0-03] Status: defines whether ON/OFF instruction can be usedin the schedule timer for space heating.In the following tables both methods on how to interpret the scheduletimer are shown.A Storage temperatureB Reheat maximum temperaturet TimeT Domestic hot water storage temperatureTABtINFORMATIONBy default space heating based on temperature set point(method 1) is enabled, so only temperature shifts arepossible (no ON/OFF instruction).Advantage of this method is that you can simply switch offthe space heating operation by pushing the buttonwithout disabling the automatic domestic hot water storageoperation (e.g. during summertime when no space heatingis required).Method 1[0-03]=1 (default) Space heating based on temperature set point (a)(a) For leaving water temperature and/or room temperatureDuring operation During schedule timer operation the operation LED is litcontinuously.When pushingthe button The schedule timer for space heating will stop and willnot start again.The controller will be switched off (operation LED willstop working).However, the schedule timer icon will stay displayedwhich means that the domestic water heating staysenabled.When pushingthe / button The schedule timer for space heating and domesticwater heating along with the quiet mode will be stoppedand will not start again.The schedule timer icon will not be displayed anymore.