22 | Maintenance and serviceInstaller and user reference guide125RXYTQVRV IV+ heat pump for high ambient temperatures4P561157-1B – 2021.11X3A8 HPBLKREDX6A (A3P)10~12 HPBLKREDX6A (A6P) X5A (A3P)14~16 HP3 To prevent damaging the PCB, touch a non-coated metal part to eliminatestatic electricity before pulling out or plugging in connectors.4 Pull out junction connectors X1A, X2A for the fan motors in the outdoor unitbefore starting service operation on the inverter equipment. Be careful NOTto touch the live parts. (If a fan rotates due to strong wind, it may storeelectricity in the capacitor or in the main circuit and cause electrical shock.)5 After the service is finished, plug the junction connector back in. Otherwisethe malfunction code will be displayed on the user interface or on theoutdoor unit 7‑segment display and normal operation will NOT be performed.For details refer to the wiring diagram labelled on the back of the electricalcomponent box cover.Pay attention to the fan. It is dangerous to inspect the unit while the fan is running.Make sure to turn off the main switch and to remove the fuses from the controlcircuit located in the outdoor unit.22.2 About service mode operationRefrigerant recovery operation/vacuuming operation is possible by applying setting[2‑21]. Refer to "19.2 Making field settings" [4100] for details how to set mode 2.When vacuuming/recovery mode is used, check very carefully what should bevacuumed/recovered before starting. See installation manual of the indoor unit formore information about vacuuming and recovery.22.2.1 To use vacuum mode1 When the unit is at standstill, set the unit in [2‑21]=1.Result: When confirmed, the indoor and outdoor unit expansion valves willfully open. At that moment the 7‑segment display indication= and the userinterface of all indoor units indicate TEST (test operation) and (externalcontrol) and the operation will be prohibited.2 Evacuate the system with a vacuum pump.3 Press BS3 to stop vacuuming mode.