2bÈEEDEN08-201@ËÍDaikin Europe N.V. is approved by LRQA for itsQuality Management System in accordance with theISO9001 standard. ISO9001 pertains to qualityassurance regarding design, development,manufacturing as well as to services related to theproduct.Daikin units comply with the Europeanregulations that guarantee the safety ofthe product.EEDEN08-201 • 01/2008 • Copyright © DaikinThe present publication supersedes EEDEN07-200Prepared in Belgium by Lannoo (www.lannooprint.be), a company whose concern forthe environmont is set in the EMAS and ISO 14001 systems.Responsible Editor: Daikin Europe N.V., Zandvoordestraat 300, B- 8400 OostendeThe present publication is drawn up by way of information only anddoes not constitute an offer binding upon Daikin Europe N.V.. DaikinEurope N.V. has compiled the content of this publication to the bestof its knowledge. No express or implied warranty is given for thecompleteness, accuracy, reliability or fitness for particular purpose ofits content and the products and services presented therein.Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. DaikinEurope N.V. explicitly rejects any liability for any direct or indirectdamage, In the broadest sense, arising from or related to the useand/or interpretation of this publication. All content is copyrightedby Daikin Europe N.V..VRV®products are not within the scope of theEurovent certification programme.Naamloze VennootschapZandvoordestraat 300B-8400 Oostende, Belgiumwww.daikin.euBTW: BE 0412 120 336RPR OostendeDaikin’s unique position as a manufacturer of airconditioning equipment, compressors andrefrigerants has led to its close involvement inenvironmental issues. For several years Daikinhas had the intension to become a leader in theprovision of products that have limited impacton the environment. This challenge demandsthe eco design and development of a widerange of products and an energy managementsystem, resulting in energy conservation and areduction of waste. ISO14001 assures an effective environmentalmanagement system in order to help protect humanhealth and the environment from the potentialimpact of our activities, products and services and toassist in maintaining and improving the quality of theenvironment.