Section 8: Scoreboard Maintenance andTroubleshootingIMPORTANT NOTES:1. Disconnect power before doing any repair or maintenance work onthe scoreboard!2. Permit only qualified service personnel to access internal displayelectronics.3. Disconnect power when not using the scoreboard.8.1 Cabinet SpecificationsCabinets for the Daktronics outdoor LED scoreboards are of all-aluminum construction. Exactdimensions and weights for each model are listed in the chart in Section 3. Removable panels for digitsand indicators and for component access are detailed in each model's component locations drawing,listed in Section 4.8.2 Component Location and AccessFor front-access scoreboards, all internal electronic components and digits can be reached by opening aface panel, an access door, or a digit panel on thefront of the display.Scoreboard Maintenance 8-1Digit panels have been simplified on the outdoorLED scoreboards. They are held in place on thescoreboard face by an offset flange across the topand by a single screw at the bottom. Open thescoreboard with care. Hold the digit panel in placeby putting hand pressure on it while removing thescrew, and carefully lift it from the board, slidingit down and out. If the panel is not held in place, itwill drop immediately when the screw is removed,possibly damaging LEDs or the digit harness.Component location varies with each scoreboardmodel, but drivers and power and signalcomponents are typically mounted inside thescoreboard behind a digit.With a non-digit access panel, simply remove thetop, side and bottom screws holding it in place. Some panels are hinged and swing open when thescrews are removed or loosened.Figure 6: LED Digit Panel (Not to Scale) Note: Disconnect power before servicing the display! Disconnect power, too, when the display isnot in use. Prolonged power-on may shorten the life of some electronic components.and Troubleshooting