Fluid and filter recommendationsTo ensure optimum life, perform regular maintenance of the fluid and filter. Contaminated fluid is themain cause of unit failure. Take care to maintain fluid cleanliness when servicing.Check the reservoir daily for proper fluid level, the presence of water, and rancid fluid odor. Fluidcontaminated by water may appear cloudy or milky or free water may settle in the bottom of thereservoir. Rancid odor indicates the fluid has been exposed to excessive heat. Change the fluid andcorrect the problem immediately if these conditions occur.Inspect vehicle for leaks daily. Change the fluid and filter per the vehicle/machine manufacturer'srecommendations or at intervals shown in the table. We recommend first fluid change at 500 hours.High temperatures and pressures will result in accelerated fluid aging. More frequent fluid changes maybe required.Change the fluid more frequently if it becomes contaminated with foreign matter (dirt, water, grease,etc.) or if the fluid is subjected to temperature levels greater than the recommended maximum. Disposeof used hydraulic fluid properly. Never reuse hydraulic fluid.Change filters with the fluid or when the filter indicator shows it's necessary. Replace all fluid lost duringfilter change.For detailed filtration information, see Danfoss publication 520L0463 Fluids and Filtration. Forinformation on biodegradable fluids see Danfoss publication 520L0465 Biodegradable Hydraulic Fluids.Hazardous materialW WarningHydraulic fluid contains hazardous material. Avoid contact with hydraulic fluid. Always dispose of usedhydraulic fluid according to state and federal environmental regulations.Fluid and filter change intervalReservoir type Max oil change intervalSealed 2000 hoursBreather 500 hoursService ManualH1 45/53/60/68 Tandem Closed Circuit Axial Piston PumpsFluid and filter maintenance© Danfoss | June 2018 520L0928 | AX00000103en-US0303 | 25