Technical Information Output Configurations for PLUS+1® Controllers520L0922 • Rev EA • Sep 20136Use sourcing or sinking when there are other sources tied in parallel, such as ajog switch.Driving a Relay or ON/OFFValve (continued)Driving an IncandescentLampDanfoss only recommends using a digital output for driving incandescent lamps. This encompassesoutputs labeled as DOUT or DOUT/PVG Pwr. These outputs always provide a high voltage (sourcingbattery voltage) as the output when in the ON state.2298LampGround+BattLogiccircuitsFETIt is not recommended to use multi-function PWM outputs for driving incandescent lamps. There arelimitations when driving incandescent lamps from multi-function outputs. An incandescent lamp hasan “inrush” current. Inrush is a spike in current just as you turn the lamp on when the filament is cold.Multi-function outputs have a hard current limit which will trip the output off if this limit is exceeded.When driving an incandescent lamp this can happen even though the average current requirementsfor the lamp are well within the output pin’s drive capability. Depending on the inrush current, itcannot be guaranteed that the multi-fuction output will reliably drive an incandescent lamp. This hassometimes been effectively addressed by setting the output to open loop PWM (PinConfig = 3) andthen ramping the PWM percentage from 0 to 100 percent, but this is not guaranteed to work for allapplications.2395Ground+BattLogic circuitsFETSourcingConfigurationFET+BattSingle PoleSingle ThrowSwitch2396+BattSingle PoleDouble ThrowSwitchGround+BattLogic circuitsFETFETSourcingConfiguration