Warning: There is a risk of substantial power being transmitted to the brake resistorif the brake transistor is short-circuited.ALARM/WARNING 28Brake check failed:Brake resistor fault: the brake resistor is notconnected/working.WARNING/ALARM 29Drive overtemperature:If the enclosure is IP 20 or IP 21/TYPE 1, thecut-out temperature of the heat-sink is 203 oF+10 o F [95 o C +5 o C]. The temperature faultcannot be reset until the temperature of theheatsink is below 158 o F [70 o C].The fault could be a result of:- Ambient temperature too high- Motor cable too longALARM 30Motor phase U missing:Motor phase U between the adjustable fre-quency drive and the motor is missing.Turn off the adjustable frequency drive andcheck motor phase U.ALARM 31Motor phase V missing:Motor phase V between the adjustable fre-quency drive and the motor is missing.Turn off the adjustable frequency drive andcheck motor phase V.ALARM 32Motor phase W missing:Motor phase W between the adjustable fre-quency drive and the motor is missing.Turn off the adjustable frequency drive andcheck motor phase W.ALARM 33Soft-charge fault:Too many powerups have occurred within ashort period of time. See the chapterGeneralSpecifications for the allowed number of pow-er-ups within one minute.WARNING/ALARM 34Ser. com. bus fault:The serial communication bus on the commu-nication option card is not working.ALARM 38Internal fault:Contact your local Danfoss supplier.WARNING 4724 V supply low:The external 24 V DC backup power supplymay be overloaded, otherwise contact yourDanfoss supplier.ALARM 481.8 V supply low:Contact your Danfoss supplier.WARNING 49Speed limit:The speed has been limited by range in par.4-11 and par. 4-13.ALARM 50AMA calibration failed:Contact your Danfoss supplier.ALARM 51AMA check Unom and Inom:The setting of motor voltage, motor currentand motor power is presumably wrong. Checkthe settings.ALARM 52AMA low Inom:The motor current is too low. Check the set-tings.ALARM 53AMA motor too big:The motor is too big for the AMA to be carriedout.8. Troubleshooting VLT® AQUA Drive Design Guide160 MG.20.N2.22 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark.8