by a frequency converter or connected to a contactor or asoft starter.Additional frequency converters in the system (followerdrives) do not need any Cascade Controller option card.They are operated in open loop mode and receive theirspeed reference from the master drive. Pumps connectedto follower drives are referred to as variable speed pumps.Pumps connected to mains through a contactor orthrough a soft starter are referred to as fixed speedpumps.Each pump, variable speed or fixed speed, is controlled bya relay in the master drive.The Cascade Controller options can control a mix ofvariable speed and fixed speed pumps.Other resources are available to understand advancedfunctions and programming.• The VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302OperatingInstructions provide details on installation andoperation of the frequency converter.• The VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302 ProgrammingGuide provides greater detail on working withparameters and many application examples.• The VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302 Design Guideprovides detailed capabilities and functionality todesign motor control systems.• Supplemental publications and manuals areavailable from Danfoss.See for listings.• Optional equipment may change some of theprocedures described. Reference the instructionssupplied with those options for specificrequirements. Contact the local Danfoss supplieror visit the Danfoss website:, for downloads oradditional information.Introduction VLT® AQUA Drive MCO 101/MCO 1024 MI38C402 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark11