195NA483.10VLTMOTOR REF: HPS112 1500 159Drive Motorwww.danfoss.comT/C: FCM106P7K5T4C55H1FSXXAXXE4N7K5150B03000Listed E347257EP Motors for Ind. UseEnclosure rating Type 12Tamb. 40 C/104 Fo o1 MADE IN DENMARKP/N: 134L4306 S/N: 000000G000IN: 3X380-480V, 50-60Hz, 15/13AOut: 7.5kW(400V) / 10HP(460V)Cos /PF: 0.98 / 0.96ϕMSV: &OEM4&DUTY Class S1IP550-1500 min /50Hz-1Wt 14.5 kg52346789101112131415DBV: &OEM3&1 Type code2 Certifications3 Enclosure rating4 Serial number1)5 Motor duty class6 Certifications7 Weight8 Motor power factor9 Enclosure rating - Ingress protection (IP) class10 Frequency range11 Motor reference12 Maximum ambient temperature13 Power rating14 Input voltage, current, and frequency (at low/high voltages)15 Ordering numberIllustration 3.2 FCM 106 Nameplate (Example)1): Example of format: Serial number ‘xxxxx253’ indicatesmanufacture in week 25, year 2013NOTICEDo not remove the nameplate from the frequencyconverter (loss of warranty).3.1.6 LiftingNOTICELIFTING - EQUIPMENT DAMAGE RISKIncorrect lifting can result in equipment damage.• Use both lifting lugs when provided.• For vertical lift, prevent uncontrolled rotation.• For lift machine, do not lift other equipmentwith motor lifting points only.Handling and lifting of the unit must only be undertakenby qualified personnel. Ensure• availability of full product documentation,together with tools and equipment necessary forsafe working practice.• cranes, jacks, slings, and lifting beams are ratedto bear the weight of equipment to be lifted. Forweight of unit, see chapter 7.1.4 Weight.• when using an eyebolt, that the shoulder of theeyebolt is tightened firmly against the face of thestator frame, before lifting.Eyebolts or lifting trunnions supplied with the unit arerated to bear the weight of the unit only, not theadditional weight of ancillary equipment attached.3.1.7 StorageEnsure that requirements for storage are fulfilled. Refer tochapter 7.5 Ambient Conditions for further details.3.2 Installation EnvironmentNOTICEIn environments with airborne liquids, particles, orcorrosive gases, ensure that the IP/Type rating of theequipment matches the installation environment. Failureto meet requirements for ambient conditions can reducelifetime of the frequency converter. Ensure thatrequirements for air humidity, temperature and altitudeare met.Vibration and ShockThe frequency converter complies with requirements forunits mounted on the walls and floors of productionpremises, as well as in panels bolted to walls or floors.For detailed ambient conditions specifications, refer tochapter 7.5 Ambient Conditions.Mechanical Installation Operating Instructions10 Danfoss A/S © Rev. 06/2014 All rights reserved. MG03L20233