Quick Reference Guide 5Gryphon™ I GBT4400 2DDescriptionWith rich feature sets and extensive model options, the Gry-phon™ product series from Datalogic Scanning representsthe premium level of data collection equipment for generalpurpose applications. The Gryphon GBT4400 2D readershave enhanced optics with improved motion tolerance allow-ing codes placed on fast moving objects to be easily and quick-ly captured, creating the ideal reader for tasks requiring highthroughput like those found in retail and light industrial envi-ronments.Omni-DirectionalOperatingTo read a symbol or capture an image, simply aimthe reader and pull the trigger. The Gryphon™ IGBT4400 2D is a powerful omni-directionalreader, so the orientation of the symbol is notimportant.Datalogic’s exclusive patented ‘Green Spot’ forgood-read feedback helps to improve productiv-ity in noisy environments or in situations wheresilence is required. When using the product withthe cradle at a 45° position, the Green Spot canwork as an aiming system to aid in positioningthe bar code for quick and intuitive reading.DecodingReliably decodes all standard 1D (linear) and 2Dbar codes, including GS1 DataBar™ linear codes,Postal Codes (China Post), Stacked Codes (such asGS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked, GS1 DataBarStacked, GS1 DataBar, Stacked Omnidirectional).The data stream — acquired from decoding asymbol — is rapidly sent to the host. The reader isimmediately available to read another symbol.ImagingThe Gryphon™ I GBT4400 2D can also function asa camera by capturing entire images or imageportions of labels, signatures, and other items.