Enter Reader Configuration Exit and Save Reader ConfigurationAMHKGMHOFNGNENEIEPANHOGOCKAHPNIBAMDKEOFMHMLJALFCAFIKAKCBPJCJGIIJCMCEGOODCCEDJKAEFBJLBGMHPLNPGLABJHFIAEGKAAPHBAJICCBGBIAFNLNLLAINDKAFLFBPPCOIHKILNFFOCKOLJILKDLDDLDDLDDLLLLLDDDLDDLDLLLDATA FORMATAMHKCMHOFNGNENEIEPANHOGOCKAHPNIBAMDKEOFMHMLJALFEGFIKAKCBPJCJGIIJCMCEGLJKNEBJLKAEFBJLBGMHPLMIFPAFAIIBNHGKAAPHBAJIDGDHOJDKAICECIENBKAGLFBOMJMHLIGBPCKIGAGOEKLKDDLDLDDLLLDLLLLDDDDDDLDLDL45Symbology Dependent ParametersThe “Symbology Specific Format Default” code on page 48 allows restoring thesymbology dependent parameters related to a specific code family to the defaultvalues.SYMBOLOGY SPECIFIC FORMATSymbology Specific FormatAOCLCIHOFNGNENEIEPANHOGOCKAHPNIBAMDKEOFMHMLJAKEGHGIKAKCBPJCJGIIJCMCFHLNMJCGPLKAEFBJLBGMHPLMMGPEPDOAPMGGKAAPHBAJJDCFMDNCMBONAPKCNHKAGKFALICLLGKIBEJGFOCKENJLKDLLLLLDLLLDLLLLDDLDDDLDLLL1. Select a Datalogic Standard CodeIdentifier from the Code IdentifierTable in Appendix C.2. Formatting:0 = select all - Stop1 = select right - followed by Step 32 = select left - followed by Step 33 = select middle - followed by anumber in the range 000-999for the starting character andthen, by Step 34 = discard right - followed by Step 35 = discard left - followed by Step 36 = discard middle - followed by anumber in the range 000-999for the starting character andthen, by Step 33. Set the number of characters toselect/discard in the range 000-999.SYMBOLOGY HEADERSSymbology HeadersAOCPFPHMHNGNENEIEPANHOGOCKAHPNIJAMDKEOFMHMLJALFEGEIKAKCBPJCJGIIJCMCEGJLCJPHBPKAEFBJLBGMHPKNNDHOGJCJDBFGKAAPHBAJICDAIOGPCAEKBELJJBKAFLFANMIJICKAJMIONHKIJOLLKDDLLLDLDDDDLLLLDDLLDDLDLLL1. Select a Datalogic Standard CodeIdentifier from the Code IdentifierTable in Appendix C.2. Set the number of characters in therange 0-5.3. Read the corresponding characters asHex values from the Hex/Numerictable. Valid values are in the range:00-7F for RS-232, USB BULK, USBCOM, USB Generic HID00-9B for Wedge and USB Keyboard4. Read the following code to enable theconfiguration you have set.