PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSES SOLUTIONThe drip coffee takes longerto percolateThe drip coffee machine needs to bedescaledThe drip or espresso has anacidic flavor.Inadequate rinsing after descaling Rinse the appliance as described in thechapter "Descaling the drip coffee unit"or "Descaling the espresso unit".The espresso is cold The espresso OK indicator light was noton when the coffee was run off.Wait until the espresso OK indicatorlight comes onThe appliance was not preheated Preheat as described in the paragraph"Preheating the espresso coffee unit".13Perform the descaling procedure asdescribed in the paragraph “Descalingthe drip coffee unit".The cups were not preheated Preheat the cups by rinsing with hotwaterNo espresso is delivered No water in the tank Fill the tank with waterThe holes in the filter holder spouts areblockedClean the spout holesThe espresso drips from theedges of the filter holderrather than the holesThe filter holder is inserted incorrectly Attach the filter holder correctly androtate as far as it will go.The espresso boiler gasket has lostelasticityHave the espresso boiler gasketreplaced at a De’Longhi service centreThe filter holder spout holes are blocked Clean the spout holes.The pump is excessively noisy The water tank is empty Refill the tankThe espresso coffee froth islight coloured (the coffee isdelivered from the spout toofast)The ground coffee is inadequatelypressed.Press the ground coffee more firmly.The quantity of ground coffee isinadequate.Increase the quantity of coffeeThe ground coffee is too coarse Use only ground coffee for espressocoffee machinesThe coffee froth is dark (thecoffee is delivered by thespout too slowly)• The ground coffee is pressed downtoo firmly• The quantity of coffee is excessive• The espresso boiler outlet is blocked• The ground coffee is too fine• Press the coffee down less firmly• Reduce the quantity of ground coffee• Clean as described in the chapter"Cleaning the espresso boiler outlet"• Use only ground coffee for espressomachinesNo milk froth is formed whenmaking cappuccino• Milk not cold enough• Always use skim milk at refrigeratortemperature.• Cappuccino maker dirty• Thoroughly clean the holes in thecappuccino maker as described inthe paragraph "Cleaning thecappuccino maker".I OK 11-04-2003 11:51 Pagina 13