9tRouBLESHootInGCheck the following points before calling De’ Longhi customer service.PRoBLEMS CAuSES SoLutIonthe appliance is operating in dehumi-difying mode but the humidity doesnot decrease.the filter is clogged.either the temperature or the humidi-ty in the room is too low.the room is too large for the dehumi-difying power of the appliance.the set humidity value is too high.Check the windows are closedClean the filter.in certain conditions it is normal forthe appliance not to dehumidify.Check the operating limits of theappliance in the “technical specifica-tions” chapter.in certain cases it is advisable to heatthe room you wish to dehumidify.Decrease the set humidity value.the appliance does not operate afterstart up.the safety device has correctly madethe appliance trip.Wait for 3 minutes to pass. (it’s due toa normal safety check)appears on the displayappears on the displayappears on the displaythe tank is missing.the tank is full.the tank is positioned incorrectly.the room temperature is very low.one of the probes is faulty orthe humidity in the room is too low ortoo high to be detected correctly.Put the tank back in place.empty the tank.Position the tank correctly.When the defrost cycle will finishedthe light will goes off automaticallysee if the appliance starts workingagain when moved into anotherroom with a level of humidity withinthe operating limits indicated in the“technical specifications” section.if the problem persists, contact De’Longhi customer service.tRouBLESHootInG en