74. When leveling the unit, the legbody should be held firmly tokeep the leg from rotating whileturning the hex bullet foot to therequired height.c. Rigid Casters (Only):1. Install the optional rigid casters onthe fryer rear channel only. Legsmust be installed on the frontchannel.2. Do not use more than two metalshims per caster.3. There are no thread adjustments forthe rigid casters.d. Swivel Casters (Only):1. Multiple fryer batteries (only): Ifoptional swivel casters are used,the locking swivel casters must beinstalled on the fryer front channel.Lock casters prior to operatingthe fryer.2. Install non-locking swivel casterson the fryer rear channel only.3. Do not use more than two metalshims per caster.4. There are no thread adjustments forthe swivel casters.e. If the floor is uneven or has a decidedslope, it is recommended to place thefryer on a smooth platform. Do notrely on leg thread or caster shims foradjustments.f. If the fryer is moved, re-level the fryerfollowing the instructions given inSteps 3.3.a-c.g. This fryer must be restrained toprevent tipping when installed in orderto avoid the splashing of hot liquid.The means of restraint may depend onthe type of application, such asconnecting to a battery of appliancesor installing the fryer in an alcove, orby separate means, such as restrainingdevices. A bracket has been providedon the fryer back panel for thispurpose.The install must be reviewed at thetime of installation to ensure it meetsthe intent of these instructions. Theon-site supervisor and/or operator(s)should be made aware that there is aAdjust leg height with anadjustable wrench.Figure 3-2WARNINGS!DO NOT USE MORE THAN TWOMETAL SHIMS PER LEG/CASTER.USING MORE THAN TWO SHIMSPER LEG/CASTER MAY CAUSETHE FRYER TO BECOMEUNSTABLE, TIP OVER, AND MAYCAUSE INJURY TO THEOPERATOR.IF OPTIONAL SWIVEL CASTERSARE USED ON A MULTIPLEFRYER BATTERY, LOCKINGCASTERS MUST BE INSTALLEDON THE FRYERS' FRONTCHANNEL. FAILURE TO LOCKCASTERS PRIOR TO OPERATINGTHE FRYERS MAY CAUSE THEFRYERS TO MOVE AND CAUSEINJURY TO THE OPERATOR.