When Definitive Technologyoriginally introduced its Mythos line ofspeakers, the slender, curved, aluminum-cabinet tower models were matched byequally svelte, under-5-inch-deep on-wall and center-channel models usingthe same form and style turned horizon-tally. A while ago, the company literallyexpanded the Mythos center-channelspeakers by packing the front LCRspeakers into one horizontal cabinet tohelp appease the speaker-phobic folks inthe world. Now Definitive hasdecided to take the next stepand make a Mythos all-in-one-cabinet, five-channel surroundspeaker system.Despite the fact that I do notcurrently own a flat-panel TV,Definitive declined my sugges-tion to send along a matchingplasma TV so I could accuratelyjudge the true aesthetic value ofthe Mythos SSA-50 speakersystem hanging on the wallunderneath it. It’s yet anotherexample of a company that haslittle concern for the hardshipsthat reviewers endure. Neverthe-less, I slogged on.From the front, with the grilleon, the 46.25-inch-long MythosSSA-50 retains the upscale, less-is-more physical appearancefound in the rest of the Mythosline. There’s nothing to indicatewhether it’s a big center channel,an LCR combo, or what it actually is, afull-blown five-channel speaker system.Even at that length, the speaker cabinetalmost disappears because it’s only alittle over 4 inches deep and 5 incheshigh, and you can mount it on the wall(under the big flat-panel TV that I didn’tget) or set it on top of a large rear-projection display or shelf.M I D R A N G E $ $ – $ $ $Definitive Technology MythosSSA-50 Speaker SystemSurround sound — friend or faux?from thetest bench“It’s amazing ...wrapping thesurround effectsaround the room”BY DARRYL WILKINSON“This is by far the best-sounding single-cabinet system I’ve heard to date”