when it suddenlyhit me: The slen-der, silvery beautyof Definitive Tech-nology’s Mythosspeakers mightactually be a draw-back. I was sodisturbed by thisrealization that,using ancient Latinwith such elo-quence it wouldhave brought tearsto Cicero’s eyes, Icancelled our dateto go shopping forthe latest operareleases on SACD,returned the newissue of ForeignAffairs that I’dborrowed fromher, and headedhome to drink a seaweed-and-algaesmoothie while meditating onthe problem.There’s simply no doubt about it.The Mythos speakers that Def Techsent me for review–floorstandingMythos Fours for the mains, aMythos Three for the center, anda pair of never-before-seen-bynormal-humans Mythos Gems forthe surrounds, plus a SuperCubeII subwoofer–were drop-deadgorgeous. I’m talking stunning,can’t get-them-out-of-your-mind,wouldn’t-kick-them-out-of-bed-for-eating-Limburger-cheese-and Wassa-crispbread gorgeous.The Mythos Four exudes classand style as it presses upward fromits elegant glass base. It soarstoward the ceiling like a refinedcathedral spire built to appeasethe gods of great sound andstylish décor. The sylphlikehorizontal Mythos Three restedlightly atop my TV, looking forall of the world as if it wereonly temporarily reclining andmight, at any moment, chooseto soar upward, as well. TheMythos Gems, about as perfectlySo I was chatting with ParisHilton the other day about somearcane aspect of cosmic stringtheory (OK , all aspects of cosmicstring theory are arcane to me)The totally bearable lightness of being a Mythos“perfectly propor-tioned ... built toappease the godsof great sound andstylish décor”BY DARRYL WILKINSONfrom thetest benchDefinitive Technology Mythos FourSpeaker System“They will eat for lunch just about any other system in the price range”