88 Using Your ProjectorProjection SetupProjection Setup• Resolution: Allows you to select the resolution. Options are: XGA (1024 x768) and WXGA (1280 x 800).• Login Code: Select how you want the login code to be generated by theprojector. There are three options:• Disable: Login code will not be required when logging in to the system.• Random: Default is Random. Login code will be randomly generated.• Use the following code: Enter a 4-digit code. This code will be used tolog in to the system.Projector Setup• Set up the Model Name, Projector Name, Location, and Contactinformation (up to 21 characters for each field).Click the Apply button to save and apply changes. The projector must be restartedfor the changes to take effect.http://www.pureglare.com.au