174 IndexContactsabout, 65creating, 65finding, 66cradleconnecting to a computer, 25Ddatabacking up, 40disconnectingdial-up connection, 105from a cable or cradle, 105from a network, 105infrared sensor, 105drawingcreating, 49Eeditingwritten text, 46e-mailcomposing messages, 72connecting to a server, 70, 106Inbox, 69message list, 70organizing, 73synchronizing, 69ethernet connection, 103Excelabout, 84tips, 86expansion slotslocations, 20Ffilesbacking up, 40File Explorer, 78finding, 78finding and organizing, 39synchronizing, 57finding information, 18contacting Dell, 129HhelpActiveSync Help, 106contacting Dell, 129finding, 106Pocket PC Help, 18Iiconsprogram, 36status, 34Inboxabout, 69