to Use "Smart OCRScan"1. Tap the Smart OCR Scan tile in the DellDocument Hub screen.2. Tap the destination cloud service you wantto save the converted file to.3. Tap the location you want to save theconverted file to.Tap to search for your folder.4. Tap Next if you want to save the file in theselected location.Tap Back to return to the previous screen.5. Tap the File Name text box to enter thefile name, and tap the File Format boxto specify the file format to save theconverted file.Tap the Tag text box to enter the file tags.Use “,” when entering multiple tags.NOTE: Tags are not available for some cloudservices.6. Tap Scan to start scanning using the OCR.How to Use "E-mail Me"1. Tap the E-mail Me tile in the DellDocument Hub screen.2. Tap the File Format box to specify thefile format to save the scanned file, and tapthe Subject text box to change the e-mailsubject.3. Tap Send to start scanning and sending thescanned file as an attached file of an e-mail.