Managing DR4000 System Storage Operations 97Cleaner Schedule:Start StopSunday 06:00 20:00Monday 01:30 23:30Tuesday 01:30 23:30Wednesday 01:30 23:30Thursday 01:30 23:30Friday 01:30 23:30Saturday 06:00 20:00To display an existing replication schedule for a DR4000 system, enter theexample command string at the system prompt:administrator@mydr4000 > schedule --show --replicationReplication Schedule:Start StopSunday 06:00 18:00Monday 01:00 23:00Tuesday 01:30 23:10Wednesday 01:45 23:20Thursday 02:00 23:30Friday 02:30 23:40Saturday 06:00 20:00--add --day [--start_time , --stop_time, --cleaner, --replication]To create a new cleaner schedule for a DR4000 system using start time andstop time setpoints, enter the example command string at the systemprompt:administrator@mydr4000 > schedule --add --day Sunday--start_time 06:00 --stop_time 22:00 --cleanerNOTE: You must set a corresponding stop time for every start time in each cleaner(or replication) schedule you set. The following example shows setting up a cleanerschedule for the remainder of the week (Monday through Saturday).administrator@mydr4000 > schedule --add --day Monday--start_time 02:00 --stop_time 22:00 --cleaneradministrator@mydr4000 > schedule --add --day Tuesday--start_time 02:00 --stop_time 22:00 --cleaner