Copyright © 2010 Caringo, Inc.All rights reserved 5Version 5.0December 2010basis. CNRI MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED. BY WAY OF EXAMPLE, BUT NOT LIMITATION, CNRI MAKES NO ANDDISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESSFOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF PYTHON 1.6.1 WILL NOTINFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY RIGHTS.5. CNRI SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO LICENSEE OR ANY OTHER USERS OF PYTHON1.6.1 FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSS ASA RESULT OF MODIFYING, DISTRIBUTING, OR OTHERWISE USING PYTHON 1.6.1,OR ANY DERIVATIVE THEREOF, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY THEREOF.6. This License Agreement will automatically terminate upon a materialbreach of its terms and conditions.7. This License Agreement shall be governed by the federalintellectual property law of the United States, including withoutlimitation the federal copyright law, and, to the extent suchU.S. federal law does not apply, by the law of the Commonwealth ofVirginia, excluding Virginia's conflict of law provisions.Notwithstanding the foregoing, with regard to derivative works basedon Python 1.6.1 that incorporate non-separable material that waspreviously distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), thelaw of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall govern this LicenseAgreement only as to issues arising under or with respect toParagraphs 4, 5, and 7 of this License Agreement. Nothing in thisLicense Agreement shall be deemed to create any relationship ofagency, partnership, or joint venture between CNRI and Licensee. ThisLicense Agreement does not grant permission to use CNRI trademarks ortrade name in a trademark sense to endorse or promote products orservices of Licensee, or any third party.8. By clicking on the "ACCEPT" button where indicated, or by copying,installing or otherwise using Python 1.6.1, Licensee agrees to bebound by the terms and conditions of this License Agreement.ACCEPTCWI LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR PYTHON 0.9.0 THROUGH 1.2--------------------------------------------------Copyright (c) 1991 - 1995, Stichting Mathematisch Centrum Amsterdam,The Netherlands. All rights reserved.Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and itsdocumentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and thatboth that copyright notice and this permission notice appear insupporting documentation, and that the name of Stichting MathematischCentrum or CWI not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining todistribution of the software without specific, written priorpermission.STICHTING MATHEMATISCH CENTRUM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO