Copyright © 2010 Caringo, Inc.All rights reserved 19Version 2.2December 20105.4.1. Publisher Console layout:• Version: the version of DX Content Router installed on the Publisher node• Uptime: the amount of time elapsed since the DX Content Router Publisher service was laststarted• Source Cluster: the group multicast address of the DX Storage cluster from which the Publisheris gathering UUIDs• Stream Events Found: the total number of UUID write, update and delete events that thePublisher has discovered from the DX Storage cluster from which it is gathering UUIDs. If thePublisher already has upon start a lot of stream events in its data store, it may take a few hoursfor the Stream Events Found counter to display a non-zero value.• Filter Backlog: the number of UUIDs that have been discovered, but have not yet beenprocessed by the Filter Rules Engine.• Space Available: the size and usage of the Hard Drive being utilized by the DX Content RouterPublisher Node• Channels: This area contains information for each configured channel or subscription. To viewadditional details for each channel, click the arrow next to the Channel name, which correspondsto the subscription name in the rules.xml file.• Subscriber UUID: the UUID for the subscriber instance of a particular channel. This UUID iscreated by a Publisher whenever a new Subscriber subscribes to a channel. Because there canbe more than one Subscriber on the same Publisher channel, the Publisher must have a uniqueID to keep track of each separate subscription.• Subscriber Status: