Copyright © 2011 Caringo, Inc.All rights reserved 7Version 2.6February 2011b. Syslog facility. If the syslog option was selected, enter the facility to log to. The defaultvalue is local4. Configuration of a remote syslog host must be done in the syslogdconfiguration file.7. Log level. Enter the minimum level of log messages to record. The default value is info. Debugis not recommended unless explicitly requested as part of a support investigation due to theamount of disk space consumed that will not then be available for core processes. Each loglevel includes the following:• info: errors, warnings and information messages like system start up and stop• verbose: errors, warnings, and info messages plus high-level operational functions• debug: errors, warnings, info and verbose messages plus lower level operational functions• trace: all possible log messagesNoteDebug or trace logging are not recommended unless explicitly requested as partof a support investigation due to the amount of disk space consumed. If debuglogging is required for any length of time, administrators must monitor spaceavailability carefully and are strongly encouraged to allocate a dedicated partitionfor logging to protect other system services.8. CNS Host: The IP address or hostname of the name space server that will store the filesystemmetadata for the mount you are configuring. The default is localhost (, which willconfigure the share to use a name space on the local server. To use a name space configuredon a remote server, enter the external IP address for the previously created name space.NoteIf configuring a multi-server environment where more than one CFS server is sharinga single CNS instance, you must enter the same CNS host information that wasentered in the cns-admin utility for each share. cfs-admin will generate a worldunique serial number for every created CFS share for internal use when requestingexclusive file locks across all servers in the name space. This serial number isstored with the CFS configuration files so they must not be copied from one server toanother to ensure the CFS share serial number is not duplicated.9. CFS Time Horizon (Default=0d means no Timescapes): The time that deleted file systemobjects will be kept in order to be available for a timescape mount of the file system at a timein the past. Times are accepted in hours (i.e. 2h), days (i.e. 1d), months (i.e. 2m), or years (i.e.1y). After the time horizon, deleted files are garbage collected from DX Storage and can nolonger be accessed.10. Use Zeroconf for DX Storage configuration?. This option allows you to specify whetheror not Zeroconf should be used to discover the list of nodes in the DX Storage cluster. TheCFS server must be in the same subnet with DX Storage in order to use Zeroconf. CFS 2.6 iscompatible with DX Storage versions 3.0.5 and later.a. If 'No' is selected: