Working With FilesUpdating Antivirus SoftwareTo protect your computer against viruses, regularly update your antivirus software as described in the software documentation and load updates immediately.Backing Up FilesTo prevent or minimize data loss, back up your hard drive at least weekly and back up daily those files that have changed. CD-RW drives are devices that canback up large amounts of data to CD-R or CD-RW discs. Use these drives and their associated backup software as backup devices. Depending on the size ofthe data files, you can also use floppy disks as backup devices. Any software you purchase comes with floppy disks or CDs.Finding Files1. Click the Start button and click Search.2. Under what do you want to search for?, click All files and folders.3. Under Search by any or all of the criteria below, type the name of the file or folder you want to find in the appropriate field.4. Specify where you want the Microsoft® Windows® XP operating system to search by clicking the Look in drop-down menu.5. Click Search.The files that meet your search criteria are listed in the Search Results window.Copying FilesUsing My Computer:1. Click the Start button and click My Computer.2. Locate the file you want to copy and click the file to select (highlight) it.3. Under File and Folder Tasks, click Copy this file.4. In the Copy Items window, open the folder into which you want to copy the file.5. Click Copy.Using Windows Explorer:1. Right-click the Start button and click Explore to open Windows Explorer.2. Locate the file you want to copy and click the file to select (highlight) it.3. Click the Edit menu and click Copy.Updating Antivirus SoftwareBacking Up FilesFinding FilesCopying FilesMoving FilesRenaming FilesDeleting FilesRetrieving Files From the Recycle BinEmptying the Recycle BinNOTICE: Scan for viruses before installing any software from unlicensed sources, either downloaded from the Internet or from floppy disks. Makeregular backups of your data in case a virus infects your computer.NOTE: In case of warranty replacement of your hard drive, you will receive a blank, formatted drive from Dell. You will need to reinstall programs andrestore data files to the new drive.NOTE: If you do not specify a directory, Windows searches the entire hard drive (or drive C partition).