Option DescriptionPeak Shift Allows you enable of disable the Peak shift feature. This feature, when enabled, minimizes the AC powerusage at times of peak demand. Battery does not charge between the Peak Shift start and end timePeak Shift Start and End Time can be configured for all weekdaysThis option set the battery threshold value (15 % to 100 %)Advanced Battery ChargeConfiguration This option enables you to maximize the battery health. By enabling this option, your system uses thestandard charging algorithm and other techniques, during the non-work hours to improve the batteryhealth.Advanced Battery Charge Mode can be configured for all weekdaysPrimary Battery ChargeConfiguration Allows you to select the charging mode for the battery.The options are:• Adaptive—Default• Standard - Fully charges your battery at a standard rate.• ExpressCharge- The battery charges over a shorter period of time using Dell’s fast chargingtechnology.• Primarily AC use• CustomIf Custom Charge is selected, you can also configure Custom Charge Start and Custom Charge Stop.NOTE: All charging modes may not be available for all the batteries.Post behaviorTable 31. POST BehaviorOption DescriptionAdapter Warnings Allows you to enable or disable the system setup (BIOS) warning messages when you use certain poweradapters.• Enable Adapter Warnings—DefaultNumlock Enable Allows you to enable or disable the Numlock function when the system boots.• Enable Numlock—DefaultFn Lock Options Allows you to let hot key combinations Fn + Esc toggle the primary behavior of F1–F12, between theirstandard and secondary functions. If you disable this option, you cannot dynamically toggle the primarybehavior of these keys.• Fn Lock—DefaultClick one of the following options:• Lock Mode Disable/Standard—Default• Lock Mode Enable/SecondaryFastboot Allows you to speed up the boot process by bypassing some of the compatibility steps.Click one of the following options:• Minimal—Default• Thorough• Auto28 Järjestelmän asennusohjelma