Security options—Contacted smartcard readerTable 28. Contacted smartcard readerTitle Description Dell ControlVault 3 Smartcard readerISO 7816 -3 Class A Card Support Reader capable of reading 5V poweredsmartcardYesISO 7816 -3 Class B Card Support Reader capable of reading 3V poweredsmartcardYesISO 7816 -3 Class C Card support Reader capable of reading 1.8V poweredsmartcardYesISO 7816-1 Compliant Specification for the reader YesISO 7816 -2 Compliant Specification for smartcard device physicalcharacteristics (size, location of connectionpoints, etc.)YesT=0 support Cards support character level transmission YesT=1 support Cards support block level transmission YesEMVCo Compliant Compliant with EMVCo (for electronicpayment standards) smartcard standards asposted to www.emvco.comYesEMVCo Certified Formally certified based on EMVCOsmartcard standardsYesPC/SC OS interface Personal Computer/Smart Cardspecification for integration of hardwarereaders into personal computerenvironmentsYesCCID driver compliance Common driver support for IntegratedCircuit Card Interface Device for OS leveldrivers.YesWindows Certified Device certified by Micrsoft WHCK YesFIPS 201 (PIV/HSPD-12) Compliant via GSA Device compliant with FIPS 201/PIV/HSPD-12 requirementsYesSecurity options—Contactless smartcard readerTable 29. Contactless smartcard readerTitle Description Dell ControlVault 3 Contactless Smartcardreader with NFCFelica Card Support Reader and software capable of supportingFelica contactless cardsYesProx (Proximity) (125kHz) Card support Reader and software capable of supportingProx/Proximity/125kHz contactless cardsNoISO 14443 Type A Card Support Reader and software capable of supportingISO 14443 Type A contactless cardsYesTechnical specifications 23