Glossary 55dB — decibel — A unit used to express relative difference in power or intensity,usually between two acoustic or electric signals, equal to ten times the commonlogarithm of the ratio of the two levels.Diagonal Screen — A method of measuring the size of a screen or a projectedimage. It measures from one corner to the opposite corner. A 9 ft high, 12 ft wide,screen has a diagonal of 15 ft. This document assumes that the diagonaldimensions are for the traditional 4:3 ratio of a computer image as per the exampleabove.DLP ® — Digital Light Processing™ — Reflective display technology developed byTexas Instruments, using small manipulated mirrors. Light passing through a colorfilter is sent to the DLP mirrors which arrange the RGB colors into a pictureprojected onto screen, also known as DMD.DMD — Digital Micro-Mirror Device — Each DMD consists of thousands oftilting, microscopic aluminum alloy mirrors mounted on a hidden yoke.Focal Length — The distance from the surface of a lens to its focal point.Frequency — It is the rate of repetition in cycles per seconds of electrical signals.Measured in Hz (Hertz).HDCP — High-Bandwidth Digital-Content Protection — A specificationdeveloped by Intel™ Corporation to protect digital entertainment across digitalinterface, such as DVI and HDMI.HDMI — High-Definition Multimedia Interface — HDMI carries bothuncompressed high definition video along with digital audio and device controldata in a single connector.Hz (Hertz) — Unit of frequency.Keystone Correction — Device that will correct an image of the distortion(usually a wide-top narrow-bottom effect) of a projected image caused byimproper projector to screen angle.Maximum Distance — The distance from a screen the projector can be to cast animage that is usable (bright enough) in a fully darkened room.Maximum Image Size — The largest image a projector can throw in a darkenedroom. This is usually limited by focal range of the optics.Minimum Distance — The closest position that a projector can focus an imageonto a screen.NTSC — National Television Standards Committee. North American standard forvideo and broadcasting, with a video format of 525 lines at 30 frames per second.PAL — Phase Alternating Line. A European broadcast standard for video andbroadcasting, with a video format of 625 lines at 25 frames per second.Downloaded From DELL Manuals