Guiding SignalsProjectorStatus DescriptionControl ButtonsPower(White/Amber)IndicatorTEMP(Amber) (Amber)StandbymodeProjector in Standby mode. Ready topower on. White Flashing OFF OFFLED onCoolingmodeProjectoroverheatedFanbreakdownProjector in Normal mode, ready todisplay an image.Projector is cooling to shutdown.Air vents might be blocked orambient temperature may be above35 °C. The projector automaticallyshuts down. Ensure that the air ventsare not blocked and that the ambienttemperature is within operationalrange. If the problem persists,contact Dell.One of the fans has failed. Theprojector automatically shuts down.If the problem persists, contact Dell.WhiteWhiteOFFOFFOFFOFFAMBERAMBERFlashingOFFOFFOFFOFFLED failure LED defective. OFF OFF AMBERR-LED driverover-heatedAir vents might be blocked or the RLED driver has overheated. Theprojector will automatically shutdown. Turn the display on again afterthe projector cools down. If theproblem persists, contact Dell.AMBER AMBER OFFTroubleshooting Your Projector74