wlsxSequenceNumberAnomalySta wlsxApFloodAttack wlsxInvalidMacOUIAP wlsxInvalidMacOUISta wlsxStaRepeatWEPIVViolation wlsxStaWeakWEPIVViolation wlsxStaAssociatedToUnsecureAP wlsxStaUnAssociatedFromUnsecureAP wlsxAPImpersonation wlsxDisconnectStationAttackAP wlsxDisconnectStationAttackStaDiagnostic Steps to Ensure IDS & Auth Traps Display in AWMSValidate your Dell PowerConnect ArubaOS configuration by exiting the “configure terminal” modeand issue the following command:(Controller-Name) # show snmp trap-listIf any of the traps below don’t show as enabled enter configure terminal mode and issue thefollowing command:(Controller-Name) (config) # snmp-server trap enable Note : See Appendix A for the full command that can be copied and pasted directly into the Dell PowerConnect W CLI.(Controller-Name) (config) # write memSaving Configuration...Saved ConfigurationEnsure the source IP of the traps match the IP that AWMS utilizes to manage the controller.Navigate to Device > Monitoring page to validate the IP address.Verify that there is a SNMPv2 community string that matches the SNMP Trap community stringon the controller.(Controller-Name) # #show snmp communitySNMP COMMUNITIES----------------COMMUNITY ACCESS VERSION--------- ------ -------public READ_ONLY V1, V2c(Controller-Name) # #show snmp trap-hostFigure 11 Verify IP Address on Device > Monitoring Page