447 Self TestsThe module performs the following Self Tests after being configured into either Remote AP mode orRemote Mesh Portal mode. The module performs both power-up and conditional self-tests. In the event anyself-test fails, the module enters an error state, logs the error, and reboots automatically.The module performs the following power-up self-tests: Aruba Hardware known Answer tests:o AES KATo HMAC-SHA1 KATo Triple-DES KAT ArubaOS OpenSSL AP Moduleo AES KATo HMAC (HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA256 and HMAC SHA384) KATo RNG KATo RSA KATo SHS (SHA1, SHA256 and SHA384) KATo Triple-DES KAT ArubaOS Cryptographic Moduleo AES KATo HMAC (HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC SHA384, and HMAC512) KATo FIPS 186-2 RNG KATo RSA (sign/verify)o SHS (SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512) KATo Triple-DES KAT ArubaOS Uboot Bootloader Moduleo Firmware Integrity Test: RSA 2048-bit Signature Validation Aruba Atheros hardware CCMo AES-CCM KATThe following Conditional Self-tests are performed in the module: Continuous Random Number Generator Test–This test is run upon generation of random data bythe module’s random number generators to detect failure to a constant value. The module storesthe first random number for subsequent comparison, and the module compares the value of thenew random number with the random number generated in the previous round and enters an errorstate if the comparison is successful. The test is performed for the approved as well as non-approved RNGs. RSA pairwise Consistency Test Firmware load testThese self-tests are run for the Atheros hardware cryptographic implementation as well as for the ArubaOpenSSL and ArubaOS cryptographic module implementations.