Intel® Server Platform SR870BH2 SR870BH2 Machine Check Error HandlingRevision 1.1 95.4 Error ReportingServer Platform SR870BH2 machine check error handling allows enhanced error reporting ofprocessor and platform errors. These errors are prioritized and signaled to system hardwareand software. System software (PAL/SAL) provides well-defined APIs for application software toacquire information about system errors in the form of standard data structures. These errorsare logged to non-volatile storage and/or made available for consumption by applicationsoftware during runtime. These errors are in the MCA records and they are based on theItanium® System Abstraction Layer Specification Rev 3.0.On the SR870BH2, based on the MCA records, system events related to Field ReplaceableUnits (failures) are logged in the BMC SEL. Each MCA record results in the generation of one ormore corresponding BMC SEL event(s). In addition, an auxiliary log entry event will be loggedcorresponding to each MCA record. The SEL messages are IPMI 1.5-compliant platform eventmessages. All MCAs are logged into NVRAM and the SEL.The format of the SEL entries is compliant with the IPMI 1.5 specification. The BIOS will logsystem events and POST error codes. The BIOS will log a boot event to BMC at the end of thePOST just before loading EFI. The events logged by the BIOS will follow the IPMI specification.The following rules are applied to the translation of SAL 3.0 MCA records to IPMI 1.5-compliantplatform event messages:Table 3. SAL 3.0 MCA Records