30 About Your SystemAny of these actions will remove fault messages, and return the statusindicators and LCD colors to the normal state. Messages will reappear underthe following conditions:• The sensor returns to a normal state but fails again, resulting in a new SELentry.• The system is reset and new error events are detected.• A failure is recorded from another source that maps to the same displayentry.System MessagesSystem messages appear on the screen to notify you of a possible problemwith the system. Table 1-3 lists the system messages that can occur and theprobable cause and corrective action for each message.CAUTION: Only trained service technicians are authorized to remove the systemcover and access any of the components inside the system. See your ProductInformation Guide for complete information about safety precautions, workinginside the computer, and protecting against electrostatic discharge.NOTE: If you receive a system message that is not listed in Table 1-3, check thedocumentation for the application that is running when the message appears or theoperating system's documentation for an explanation of the message andrecommended action.Table 1-6. System MessagesMessage Causes Corrective ActionsAlert! DIMM1_A andDIMM1_B must bepopulated with amatched set ofDIMMs if more thanone DIMM ispresent. Thefollowing memoryDIMMs have beendisabled:If more than one DIMMis present, DIMMs mustbe installed in matchingpairs.Check other systemmessages for additionalinformation for possiblecauses. For memoryconfiguration information,see "Memory ModuleInstallation Guidelines" onpage 110. If the problempersists, see"Troubleshooting SystemMemory" on page 146.