Dell UPS Local Node ManagerUSER'S GUIDE EXTENSION FOR VMWARE ESXi VIRTUAL ARCHITECTUREDellups.comDell ULNM - User guide xtension - VMware ESXiVMware is a registered trademark of VMware, Inc.rev0.02CHAPTER: Installation42. INSTALLATIONThis guide provides information about installing and configuring Dell ULNM on VIMA or vMA. Theserecommendations guide you through the installation process of Dell ULNM as a shutdown agent forVMware ESXi architecture to allow electric continuity.2.1. INSTALLATION PREREQUISITESHere is the list of prerequisites:1. VMware ESXi Server Machine up and running2. Only ESXi pay version is supported by this integration process3. VMware Infrastructure Management Assistant VIMA 1.0 or vSphere Management Assistant(vMA 4.0) installed as guest.4. vSphere Client installed on different machine to VMware ESXi Server configuration.5. Dell ULNM Package6. SSH client for installation and configuration7. SCP Client to upload packages to VIMA/vMA.8. VMware tools installed on each virtual machinesNote: Through Network connection, the Dell UPSs are compatible with Dell ULNM on ESXi Through RS232 /USB connection VIMA/vMA don’t provide the compatibility with Dell ULNM2.1.1. VIMA/VMA INSTALLATIONPlease visit for more information aboutdownload and installation of VIMA or vMA on ESXi host machines.2.1.2. VMWARE ESXI CONFIGURATION For the automatic OS boot on startup, you must configure the physical machine to allowautomatic OS boot on startup. This setting is present in your machine’s BIOS. For furtherinformation, see specific technical hardware documentation. To allow interactions between physical and virtual machines, VMware tools have to beinstalled on each virtual machine. For further information, see VMware ESXi Serverdocumentation. You can configure the automatic startup and shutdown properties of guest operatingsystems as per requirement. But to work Dell ULNM properly, VIMA/vMA needs to beconfigured aso Automatic Shutdown of VIMA/vMA when ESXi host is going downAndo Automatic Startup of VIMA/vMA when ESXi host is starting