Dell UPS Local Node ManagerUSER'S GUIDE EXTENSION FOR VMWARE ESX 4.0 VIRTUAL ARCHITECTUREDellups.comDell ULNM – User guide extension - VMWare ESX ServerVMware is a registered trademark of VMware, Inc.rev0.01CHAPTER: Installation52.1.2. DELL HARDWARE ARCHITECTUREThe prerequisites for Dell UPS Local Node Manager installation are described in the "Dell UPS LocalNode Manager – User Guide" chapter: “Installation Prerequisites“. ( UPS systems compatibility, please refer to the chapter “Compatibility List”2.1.3. NETWORK ARCHITECTUREAll hardware elements must have an operational network configuration that allows them to dialogfreely with each other.Make sure in particular that ESX firewall authorizes: Connections on TCP port 4679 and 4680 to enable a remote access for supervision andconfiguration through Web Browser. These ports are reserved at IANA( Connections through TCP port 80. It must be opened as a destination port (for output) on themachine hosting Dell UPS Local Node Manager. To enable communication between Dell UPS Local Node Manager and Dell NetworkManagement Card):esxcfg-firewall -o 4679,tcp, in,EATONhttpesxcfg-firewall -o 4680,tcp, in,EATONhttpsesxcfg-firewall -o 80,tcp,out,httpesxcfg-firewall –o 5000,tcp,out,EATONinitesxcfg-firewall –o 4679,udp, in,EATONhttpUesxcfg-firewall –o 4680,udp, in,EATONhttpsUTo configure your VMWare ESX Server for the network, please refer to the user guide.2.2. INSTALLATION OF DELL ULNM IN WMWARE ESX SERVER 4.0