Introduction 19Figure 1-6. Network-Attached Cluster Connected to an External SAN Using EmbeddedSwitch ModulesNOTE: It is recommended that you configure the paired inter-switch links (ISLs) asshown in Figure 1-6 for clusters with Fibre Channel storage systems. In an iSCSIcluster configuration, multiple connections between internal switch modules andexternal switches may not be practical depending on the Ethernet switch features.Blade Server RequirementsYour cluster requires the following components:• Server modules (cluster nodes)• Fibre Channel or iSCSI storage subsystem interconnects• Cluster interconnects (private network)• Client network connections (public network)• Operating system and storage management softwarecluster node cluster nodeprivate networkstorage systemembeddedswitch modulepublic networkexternalswitchembeddedswitch moduleexternalswitchinter-switch link inter-switch link