About Your System 53Warning: ControlPanel is notinstalled.The control panel is notinstalled or has a faulty cableconnection.Install the control panel, orcheck the cable connectionsbetween the display module,the control panel board,and the system board.See "Control PanelAssembly-LED/LCD(Optional)" on page 131.Warning! No microcode updateloaded forprocessor nMicro code update failed. Update the BIOS firmware.See "Getting Help" onpage 177.Warning! Powerrequired exceedsPSU wattage.Check PSU andsystemconfiguration.Warning!Performancedegraded. CPU andmemory set tominimumfrequencies tomeet PSU wattage.System willreboot.The system configuration ofprocessor(s), memorymodules, and expansioncards may not be supportedby the power supplies.If any system componentswere just upgraded, returnthe system to the previousconfiguration. If the systemboots without this warning,then the replacedcomponent(s) are notsupported with this powersupply. If Energy Smartpower supplies are installed,replace them with the HighOutput power supplies touse the components. See"Power Supplies" on page 88.Warning! PSUmismatch. PSUredundancy lost.Check PSU.A High Output power supplyand an Energy Smart powersupply are installed in thesystem at the same time.Install two High Output ortwo Energy Smart powersupplies in the system.You can also run the systemon one power supply untilyou can obtain two powersupplies of the same type.See "Troubleshooting PowerSupplies" on page 153.Table 1-3. System Messages (continued)Message Causes Corrective Actions